maj, 2024

08may(may 8)5:00 pm12(may 12)2:00 pmCeremonial Breathwork Training med Nina MedicinaOretorpsvägen i Näsum



Embark on a 5-Day Journey to Master Ceremonial Breathwork: A Path to Healing, Transformation and Empowerment
This 5 day training is designed to provide you with the tools, information and confidence necessary to practice Breathwork as a healing modality for clients, and/ or for your personal wellbeing as well as how to work with rituals and ceremonies.
In this training you will get a deeper understanding of the science behind breathwork, and you will learn all about our energy centers (chakras) and how to balance them.
The breathwork technique is a simple 3 part breathing pattern. The first part is to inhale deeply into the lower belly. The second part is to inhale into the upper chest. And the third part is a relaxed exhale but we will also go through some more calming breathwork techniques that can be nice to start and end a ceremony with.
If you are already on the journey as a healing practitioner this training will act as an opportunity to deepen your offering, with a mind and body understanding of breath as medicine.
You will learn…
Theory – Breathwork foundations/ Science of Breath/ The nervous system/ Contraindications etc
Practice- We will focus on the ceremonial 3 part breath but we will also go through different breathing patterns to bring about healing states of consciousness, deep relaxation, overcome anxiety and to boost our sexual and creative energy. If you want to get certified in teaching Ceremonial Breathwork you will also need to teach 10 breathwork sessions after our week together- to friends, family or your community.
The importance of setting clear intentions
The basics about the Chakra Energy systems- and how to integrate them into client sessions, personal life, and in class/workshop/ceremony environment. You will also learn to diagnose and release blockages from the chakras.
Learn to work with the elements, and how to call in their wisdom and healing presence. Learn how to actively engage with the Spirit of the elements in order to gain valuable allies for healing.
How to set up and hold sacred space
Energy release and energy clearing/ how to release emotional baggage and negative forces
What music to choose for different ceremonies – AND get access to several of my handpicked playlists designed for each chakra
How to create your own ceremony/ ritual with tools like sacred smokes, essential oils, altar practice, herbs, cacao etc
Songs/ drumming/ rattle practice
Self healing- connect with your inner shaman/ wise woman within
Hands on healing
Assist you to develop your own authentic teaching technique and style, and tools to begin your own journey as a Breathwork Guide
How to close a space/ integration
CEREMONIES every day ex a Cacao Ceremony and a Fire Releasing Ceremony
4 NIGHTS ACCOMMODATION in my healing sanctuary
ALL MEALS- We will share delicious high vibe meals made with as much local ingredients as possible
BASIC KNOWLEDGE in which Herbs and Practices will help to balance and activate each of your seven Chakras
NATURE IMMERSIONS like Forest Bathing, Earthing Practices, Lake Plunges, Walking Meditations etc.
DAILY MOVEMENT – Dance, Shaking, Breath Work, Sound Healing and Meditation
SPIRITIUAL PRACTICE in Self Love and Self Care
What past students have to say:
This training is beyond learning about the breath and how to hold a safe and sacred space. Not only do I feel like a different person leaving- more liberated, expressed, free and supported- but I also feel like I’ve learnt so much about how to alchemist, transform and heal through nature, singing and our breath. I cant recommend this enough! Nina is the most beautiful teacher and spaceholoer and I cant imagine a safer space. This was one of the most transformational trainings I’ve been to and it reminded and taught me so much about love, life and nature – Malvina
Nina, thank you for your space holding, your knowledge and deep wisdom. Its been profound and so transformative. I feel empowered to water my seeds and allow myself to walk my path, so grateful- Emma
Det är en magisk känsla att få ta del av andra kvinnors erfarenheter, visdom och kärlek. Känslan av gemenskap som uppstår är svår att beskriva. Jag känner mig sedd, upplyft, stärkt och ser fram emot att fortsätta i samma anda. Nina har en sällsynt förmåga att skapa en trygg miljö och jag är hedrad att få ta del av hennes kunskap.- Annie
A magical weekend at the magical Meadow- a place for love, light, healing and connection. Tack Nina for sharing your power- Holli
Fantastisk utbildning med så mycket mer och själ än vad jag förväntade mig. Gediget material och väl genomtänkt upplägg utan att tumma på kvaliteten och samtidigt behålla det själsliga. Rekommenderas varmt- Lisa
Thank you Nina for this wonderful experience. Grateful to receive your medicine and it opened up a whole new dimension to self care, how to create more joy and pleasure in my life and reconnect with mama nature- Marsela



ons, 08 may 2024 17:00 - sön, 12 may 2024 14:00


Wild Meadow

Oretorpsvägen 333